As part of the Capital Markets Union, the EU will put in place a post-trade consolidated tape, which will provide consolidated data on prices and volume of securities traded in the EU, thereby improving overall price transparency across trading venues. It will also improve competition between trading venues.
The consolidated tape should act as a single price comparison tool consolidating data across the EU, giving investors and market participants an accurate and complete view of trading in fixed income securities and equity markets, assisting them in analysing market liquidity and increasing investors' capacity to evaluate the quality of execution of their orders.
This should lead to a reduction of complexity relating to market data licences, reduction of liquidity and execution risk and therefore implicit trading costs. A democratized, real-time and overall better access to data by market participants should also contribute to more cross-border investments within the EU and help attract global investment flows into the EU.
The main consolidated tape's features should include the real-time delivery of data, mandatory contributions by trading venues, voluntary consumption of the consolidated tape, and a single consolidated tape provider (CTP).
This website was created to raise awareness of the EU's efforts to create a bonds and shares/ETFs CT and to report on major developments. Once the CT is in place, consolidated data as distributed by the CTP will be displayed here. Stay tuned for the new developments.
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